Sustainable development means 140,000 jobs in France. If we count all the jobs linked to sustainable development in other sectors such as renewable energies, construction, transport, this figure rises to 4 million. So there are a lot of possibilities and opportunities to work in this sector. What are the professions of sustainable development? Which companies are recruiting? Where to look to find a job? What is the most suitable training? Here is our complete guide to employment in sustainable development.
What Studies and What Training to Work in Sustainable Development?
Training in sustainable development exists at all levels and gives rise to a wide variety of opportunities. From technician to manager, including scientist or engineer, the opportunities are numerous.
To work in fair trade, it is possible to follow a university training (license or master) or to train directly with a fair trade organisation, by doing an internship, by working as a volunteer or by following targeted vocational training.
1) BTS and DUT
It is estimated that around 75% of environmental jobs are related to water and waste management. In fact, the needs are considerable, especially among senior technicians. Several “short” training courses exist:
• BTS MSE (Professions in environmental services): It provides skills in terms of cleanliness and hygiene in workplaces. It can also lead to water purification or waste treatment activities.
• BTS GATEAU (Water Management and Control): It trains students in the design of hydraulic installations, such as dams or dikes. They also have the possibility of exercising advisory and control functions on water quality.
• BTS HSE (Health, Safety, Environment): It mainly leads to the safety of companies and administrations. The student learns how to best anticipate the health and ecological risks of an industrial activity.
Other BTS or DUT type training courses deal with renewable energies (BTS Fluids, energies, home automation - DUT Thermal and energy engineering) and nature protection (BTSA Management and nature protection - BTS Forest management).
2) Bachelors and Masters in Sustainable Development at the university
- Professional License
The Pro License allows BTS / DUT students to finalise their training and obtain a Bac +3 in a specific field:
Environment and renewable energies
• Management and treatment of waste from the UFR of France Comet.
• Environmental protection and management professions - Ecological restoration and sustainable development course at the IUT of Caen
• Master of energy and renewable energies from Aix-Marseille University
Agriculture and Tourism
• Organic farming: production, advice, certification and marketing of Vermonter-Aubergine University
• Course Designer of services in ecotourism and discovery of the environment which is part of the Professional License specialising in Tourism Trades of the University of Angers
Transport and Living Environment
• Climatic engineering with environmental quality which is part of the License Pro Metiers du BTP of the University of Lyon 1
• Advanced technologies applied to vehicles of the IUT of Poitier
- Research Master
Research Masters can also lead to scientific activities, whether in fundamental or research in the public sector, but also applied to management professions in the private sector.
• Master's Degree in Water Quality and Treatment from the University of Poitier is devoted to research in the fields of water treatment, wastewater decontamination or even in the sustainable management of water resources.
• Master in Electrical Energy for Sustainable Development from the University of Lille / Arts ET Metiers aims to train students in research in the field of improving the performance of electrical systems for better energy efficiency.
• Research Master in Development Economics from the University of Bordeaux prepares students to exercise a profession in the field of development in southern countries, energy and environmental management or collaborative economy or an activity of research economics tuition in Singapore.
• Master in Coastal and Marine Environmental Law from the University du Littoral Cote stoppable (ULCO) trains legal experts in environmental law.
There are many other research Masters in Geology, Oceanography, Agronomy which allow working on issues of sustainable development.